"So we are ambassadors for Christ . . ."
— 2 Corinthians 5:20
— 2 Corinthians 5:20
Who We Are
The St. Gertrude pastoral council is 12-member group, consisting of parishioners (who represent the entire parish community) and our pastor, that acts as a consultative body to the pastor and pastoral staff. The pastoral council executive committee includes a chairperson, a vice chairperson, and our pastor.
What We Do
At the parish level, our pastor, together with his parish staff and members of pastoral council and committees, works to provide the ministries and programs serving our mission. The pastoral council, acting as a consultative body, is the vehicle by which our pastor and pastoral staff consider and test their ideas and proposals. It is the official listening post for the local parish community—the pastor listening to his people, and the people listening to their pastor. Council members serve for a three-year term.
When We Meet
We have monthly meetings from August through May. The May meeting is a time of transition when old and new members of the council will be present.
Join Us
Every January or February, we run an ad in the bulletin inviting parishioners to consider serving on the pastoral council
and to submit nominations (for either themselves or others). In March, those interested attend an informational meeting for nominees. Those interested submit a letter of intent. In April, the council reviews letters of intent and interviews interested nominees. Seating of new members happens at the May meeting.
and to submit nominations (for either themselves or others). In March, those interested attend an informational meeting for nominees. Those interested submit a letter of intent. In April, the council reviews letters of intent and interviews interested nominees. Seating of new members happens at the May meeting.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or want to get in touch with the pastoral council, please email [email protected].