The music program at any parish is vital to it's liturgical life and St. Gertrude is no exception. That being the case, we strive to have a music program that is exceptional in the way it helps you to pray, to sink more deeply into the mystery of the Eucharist, to meet Jesus there and take Him away with you.
How do we try to achieve this? Well, there's a lot of talk these days about authenticity, quality, and identity. Take for example- how authentic is your favorite ethnic restaurant? Is that sweater all natural fibers? How does your coffee shop roast their beans? Is your neighborhood micro brew made from organic, locally grown hops? We want the things that are important to us to be real. We want good quality. Our choices are very often guided by our identity. How absolutely vital it is then, to have our Catholic identity revealed, brought out and savored during Mass by the singing and praying of authentic liturgical music, well chosen and carefully executed?
How do we try to achieve this? Well, there's a lot of talk these days about authenticity, quality, and identity. Take for example- how authentic is your favorite ethnic restaurant? Is that sweater all natural fibers? How does your coffee shop roast their beans? Is your neighborhood micro brew made from organic, locally grown hops? We want the things that are important to us to be real. We want good quality. Our choices are very often guided by our identity. How absolutely vital it is then, to have our Catholic identity revealed, brought out and savored during Mass by the singing and praying of authentic liturgical music, well chosen and carefully executed?
With our rich musical traditions, we Catholics have deep musical roots. Weaving together melodies and hymns, capturing the timelessness of the Church by drawing from across the centuries, using newly written and ancient music, our task is to meld what we do to the mystery and the dignity of the sacrifice of the Mass. We don't want to distract or entertain you- we want to help you pray, to grow holy, to encounter Jesus. Presenting to the faithful both the timeless traditions of the Church and newly crafted sung prayers and meditations, chanted prayer responses that anyone can sing, keeps us firmly rooted in our Catholic culture, yet keeps us looking forward to our eternal friendship with Jesus, the Christ.
We hope you'll find something out of the ordinary here at St. Gertrude. In crafting the music for the liturgy, we strive to achieve beauty, quality, and an authentic Catholic identity, creating an atmosphere of prayerfulness, dignity, and peaceful joy, to honor and worship the Lord in the most fitting way possible
While the Sacred Liturgy is the high point, the source and summit of our Faith life, that Faith is an integral part of who we are, inside and outside of the sacred space. Our musical prayer life doesn’t have to end when we’re not at Mass. Stay tuned for other exciting opportunities to bring your heart to the Lord in prayer and song. |