St. Gertrude Bulletin Submission Guidelines
At St. Gertrude, we try to maintain a clean, clear, and readable bulletin. We are happy to include news items from around the parish and announcements from the community. Typically, such pieces appear on pages 5 and 6 in the weekly bulletin.
If you would like to submit an item for these pages, please follow these guidelines:
St. Gertrude Church reserves the right to accept or reject bulletin submissions based upon space limitations or concerns about the content. Though we do the best we can to respond to each submission, due to the volume at times, we might be unable to respond to each request.
If you would like to submit an item for these pages, please follow these guidelines:
- Content should fit within the space of ¼ a page (approx. 3.5”x4.5”).
- Content can be submitted as a completed piece: pdf, jpg, or png file. Contents can also be submitted in a Word or Google document and the bulletin company will design/lay out the piece for you.
- Content must be received by the deadline posted in the bulletin for the date(s) in which you would like the piece to appear. Typically, the submission deadline is approx. 12 days prior to the issue date.
- Content should be submitted to the bulletin editor via email: [email protected]
St. Gertrude Church reserves the right to accept or reject bulletin submissions based upon space limitations or concerns about the content. Though we do the best we can to respond to each submission, due to the volume at times, we might be unable to respond to each request.
E-Newsletter Submission Guidelines
St. Gertrude Church sends a weekly newsletter to all parishioners and those on our email list each Saturday afternoon. For urgent matters or important church announcements, we may also send a topical email from time-to-time. However, we try to limit these as much as possible to not overwhelm inboxes.
The weekly E-Newsletter contains special announcements that need to be communicated to parishioners along with any material that did not make it into the bulletin before the bulletin went to print. The E-Newsletter does not contain announcements or news from outside of St. Gertrude. Those broader community announcements are reserved for the bulletin.
If you are a parishioner responsible for a parish organization or ministry, and you would like to submit a blurb for our weekly E-Newsletter, please abide by the following guidelines:
St. Gertrude Church reserves the right to accept or reject E-Newsletter submissions based upon space limitations or concerns about the content. Though we do the best we can to respond to each submission, due to the volume at times, we might be unable to respond to each request.
The weekly E-Newsletter contains special announcements that need to be communicated to parishioners along with any material that did not make it into the bulletin before the bulletin went to print. The E-Newsletter does not contain announcements or news from outside of St. Gertrude. Those broader community announcements are reserved for the bulletin.
If you are a parishioner responsible for a parish organization or ministry, and you would like to submit a blurb for our weekly E-Newsletter, please abide by the following guidelines:
- Content should be limited to 3 sentences max.
- Use links whenever possible.
- Submit content by noon on the Thursday before the E-Newsletter will be sent out.
- Content should be submitted to the bulletin editor via email: [email protected]
St. Gertrude Church reserves the right to accept or reject E-Newsletter submissions based upon space limitations or concerns about the content. Though we do the best we can to respond to each submission, due to the volume at times, we might be unable to respond to each request.