"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink . . ."
— Matthew 25:35
— Matthew 25:35
Who We Are
The St. Gertrude Soup Kitchen ministry is comprised of adults, young adults, teens, and families who act as the hands and feet of Christ by serving needy people in our community.
What We Do
For over 35 years, St. Gertrude Church has been involved with the Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen. Approximately four to six times during the year, our parishioners volunteer to cook and serve a meal to 200-300 hungry people at the soup kitchen. This is an excellent first way for families to show their children what poverty looks like in Cincinnati and how they can get involved and help.
When We Meet
We do not have any formal meetings. Watch the bulletin for upcoming service dates.
Join Us
Anyone pre-teen and older is welcome to sign up to serve with us. It takes around 30 people to cook the main meal and side items and serve the food. Keep an eye on the bulletin for upcoming sign up and volunteer dates.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Andy Cordier at [email protected].