"Be hospitable to one another without complaint."
— 1 Peter 4:9
— 1 Peter 4:9
Who We Are
Ushers are friendly men and women of St. Gertrude Church who help parishioners and visitors feel welcome at Mass and special liturgies or events.
What We Do
Ushers have a variety of responsibilities:
- Greet and sometimes even seat the faithful as they gather for Mass
- Take up the collection
- Answer questions
- Provide direction
- Aid anyone attending Mass who may become ill
- Distribute bulletins
- Straighten up after Mass
When We Meet
We currently do not meet on a regular basis.
Ushers serve on Sundays, holy days, and for certain special occasions. And each usher determines how often they want to serve, based on their schedule. (You do not need to commit to a specific Mass or frequency.)
Ushers serve on Sundays, holy days, and for certain special occasions. And each usher determines how often they want to serve, based on their schedule. (You do not need to commit to a specific Mass or frequency.)
Join Us
Any parishioner is welcome to serve as an usher. If you are interested in this ministry, please speak with an usher before or after one of the Masses or contact Doug Postler (information below).
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Doug Postler at (513) 791-6298 or [email protected].