Like so many parts of life these days, Christmas at St. Gertrude is also going to look different this year.
Let's start with the most important piece... the Mass times:
Let's start with the most important piece... the Mass times:
In order to manage the number of people coming to any one of these times, we have asked folks to sign up for a Mass in advance. In this way, Masses this Christmas will function much like many other ticketed events you have attended elsewhere in the past. This certainly will not be the norm for us moving forward, but it is the easiest and clearest way we can best facilitate everyone’s experience and ensure the safest environment possible this Christmas.
Those who have made a reservation should receive an email by the end of business on Dec. 18. This email confirms your reservation and delineates the seating assignment. Print this email or show it to the ushers on your mobile device upon arrival at Mass. Ushers will help you to your seats. Seating has been pre-assigned based upon the household size and social distancing requirements within the worship space. On the day of the event, those who have reserved seats must be in their seats by 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time of Mass or the seats will be forfeited.
Those who have made a reservation should receive an email by the end of business on Dec. 18. This email confirms your reservation and delineates the seating assignment. Print this email or show it to the ushers on your mobile device upon arrival at Mass. Ushers will help you to your seats. Seating has been pre-assigned based upon the household size and social distancing requirements within the worship space. On the day of the event, those who have reserved seats must be in their seats by 5 minutes before the scheduled starting time of Mass or the seats will be forfeited.
A Few Spots Remain
The regular reservation window has now closed. However, we do still have limited space available in the gym at select times for walk-in reservations. We have limited space in the overflow Mass located in the gym at: 3pm and 7:30pm Masses on Dec. 24, and the 12 noon Mass on Dec. 25.
If you have questions please call the parish office at 513-561-5954.
If you have questions please call the parish office at 513-561-5954.
Ushers Needed for Christmas Masses
The number of Christmas Masses means there is a critical need for ushers to help make sure this can all be done smoothly and safely. We need 4 or 5 ushers per Mass to help with check-in and seating, along with the usual duties of the collection and Communion. With the reservation system and the confirmation notice with pre-assigned seating, this process should be relatively seamless. For a more detailed “job description,” if you will, please see this document. If you are able to help with the usher duties, please contact Doug Postler at [email protected].
Live-Streaming for Christmas
We will be extending our live stream experience for Christmas and will stream the conventual Mass at 11:30pm on Dec. 24 and the conventual Mass at 10:00am on Dec. 25. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, then click on the bell to be alerted when we are live.
Worship Aids
- Christmas Eve Mass (Please note that the readings for the 11:30pm Mass begin on pg. 10)
- Christmas Day Mass (Please note that the readings for the 10am Mass begin on pg. 12)
Covid Protocols
As with any entry into a public space during the pandemic, one is acknowledging certain risks. At St. Gertrude, we are doing everything in our power to prevent the spread of COVID and to keep everyone’s health and well-being in mind at all times.
- Per the governor’s order, we ask that the faithful wear cloth masks for the sake of the common good. People with breathing difficulties and young children should not wear masks.
- Only friars, sisters, novices, and some staff members will be in the sanctuary and sacristy. There will be just one server and one lector at each Mass.
- Volunteers will help wipe down high-touch surfaces between Masses.
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the Archbishop dispenses the faithful from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass and holy days of obligation. Please do not come if you feel sick. Those who are vulnerable may consider coming to a less crowded weekday Mass during the Christmas season. Again, here are some points to consider:
- The obligation to attend Mass on Christmas does not apply this year. Thus, other days during the Christmas season could be an alternative for a family observance of Christmas.
- The Sunday after Christmas is Holy Family Sunday (Dec. 27). New Year’s Day is within the Octave of Christmas. Epiphany Sunday (Jan. 3) is a celebration of the Lord’s birth and his revelation to the world. Families could observe Christmas on one of those days.
Christmas Novena
Remember your family, friends and loved ones in a special way at Christmas by enrolling them in the Christmas Novena of Masses, which will be offered here at St. Gertrude Church beginning on Christmas Day. Novena cards are available at the entrances of the church and in the church office in the school. You can return your novena offering envelope in the collection or send it to the church office. Nb: The Christmas novena of Masses will begin to be said for your intentions on Dec. 25.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The confession schedule will be as usual through Wednesday 12/23 including the Wednesday evening holy hour. There will be no confession times offered Thursday through Sunday (12/24-12/27). In the following week, confessions only Monday – Wednesday including the evening holy hour. No confessions Thursday through Sunday (12/31-1/3). Regular schedule resumes on Monday, Jan. 4.
2020 Christmas Directory
If you are interested in contacting Friars or Sisters who formerly served at St. Gertrude, please see this list of contact information or call the parish office at 513.561.5954.